Monday 11 June 2012

Easy breezy Grecian inspired look....Less than £100 pounds..

Feeling the sun......

Hey dolls hope yall had a productive Monday?.. i have been having some sleeping issues so i decided not to go to work because i was so tired.However in the afternoon i felt better and i went to the river view in Ilorin, Kwara state to soak in some sun. I wore a Grecian inspired gown, tied my wig in a ponytail and did some Grecian inspired plaits. I decided not to wear any make up because i was breaking out.... The driver was so nice and he took all my pictures today, hope you like the pictures....

I love my state how many states have beautiful rivers... i dnt mean them dirty ones they have in

Some other people enjoying themselves

Rings from new look, select and 99p

Suya... yummy so are you jealous now?

I love this book thou....

Grecian inspired plaits

So wat you will need is.... a good book water and sun screen( i dnt joke with my skin)

French connection sandals

Very comfy...

I just like to do funny
Initially got it for my Law text books... it is now serving as a beach bag..

I love this pictures its very avant grade i think

I see a mermaid.... lmao

Working  my curves... camera... click click

Dream land

Easy breezy Grecian inspired look...
Dnt you just love the view
Love the slits

What i was wearing

Dress--->  A-wear = £13.50 on sale
Sandals--> French connection= £15 on sale two summers ago
Bag------> French connection= £55 on sale last summer
Rings----->Select, New look and 99p store  =£10 in total

Hope yall enjoyed the post... feel free to comment on the pictures...xoXo

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