Sunday 10 June 2012


Hey everyone, how are you guys? i am hoping u had a good weekend... unlike me, since i came to Nigeria my social life has been out the window... Anyways dnt want to start crying about my boring life, there is a time and a place for that... lol

So today i wanted to do a 'what is in my closet post'... I love to shop a lot, and over the years i have acquired a lot of clothing , shoes and bags...  However since i havent been able to do as much shopping as i would love I started making my clothes. I design and a tailor sews them, dnt get it wrong i still do my fair bit of shopping with the greatest best friend in the world, who is always willing to ship my things to Nigeria, and online shopping what more can i ask for....  

Before i go over board with chatting nonsense these are a couple of things i have here in my dad's house in Ilorin. Hope you find them interesting....

Not everything can fit into my closet so these guys have to stay on the floor sorry guys


Sorry not everyone gets the recognition they need but these shoes are not plain Janes... so they deserve a little spotlight...
Vivienne Westwood(so comfy, love them) Every fashionista should have one that is what a friend once said

Only £26 can you imagine( love em)

These bad boys are not your everyday shoes it hurts like hell

only £8 and so comfy
£180 pounds but worth every single penny(Sam Edelman rocks)

French connection

Who needs anti-depressant when there is Prada(one of the reasons why i love bicester village because you get designer shoes@ an okayish price, they cost £190 but it was worth my happiness)

Now for the dresses......................................P.s my dresses...(if i did not feature you on the blog its not like i dnt love you, its cos i couldn't photograph you well  mama loves you all) *sniffs * that was an emotional moment for me.... lol ........................................................................

Got them last summer 1950's inspired day dress
Got them on sale last summer £12 bargain

1980's inspired Vero moda dress( i love vintage)

My 20th Bday dress, love this french connection beauty

My cousin gave me the dress love it, its so classy
Zara dress, got them on sale last summer(i am a big zara fan) only problem is they are a bit sizist...?

Love this Dorothy Perkins shirt, so bright and beautiful

One is never enough make is a

Who doesnt love H&M? i have had them for 2 years plus absolutely gorg


My creation... i designed it..looks ugly on the hanger but looks lovely on me, my boyfriend can testify... lol... 

Now for the bags... sorry guys not all of you could be photographed. 

I love red, this mango number is not an exception

You made me see love in a different way.. you will always be my first love( West wood)

I am absolutely in love with anything Westwood

Down memory lane, used to be a Paul's boutique freak and i had a Nicki Minaj barbie faze, guess its kool when your 18-19, but i am 21 so no more barbie bags for me...

Bicester village thanks for bringing us designer things for an affordable price love this Folli Folie bag, the lip thing reminds me of lulu Guinness clutches

Got this for Vals 2 years ago love this bag reminds me of jerseylicious, the strips and leopard.... im sure stacey will be jumping for joy when she sees this bag, another Paul's boutique bag

Hope you guys enjoy reading the post as much as i enjoyed writing it... have a lovely week ahead...  and to my friend Kola Good luck in your exams.... XoXo