Thursday 31 May 2012


Hi lovies.. thanks for welcoming me well to bloggers... big thank you to those that read my blog love you muchos. Today's post is all about honey. I had earlier done a post on my Facebook wall about honey, for those who haven't seen it, i just copied the post from Facebook. I started using honey in march, and since then i cant begin to tell you how remarkably soft and smooth my face it.

This is the the post i added on Facebook will attach pictures in my next post on the step by step application of honey to your face enjoy. Facebook post below enjoy.........

Hey dolls... Just thought I should share a beauty secret of mine. I just started using honey on my face and I am absolutely in love. Day one of using the honey on my face. My face felt very smooth after washing it off. I applied it on my face for 20minutes. Day two, i left it on my face for 30minutes and I noticed that my face was a bit firm after washing. Day 3 of using honey on my face I noticed my face had this glow. I am light skinned but I have a very pale/dull skin, my complexion isn't bright.I dnt have that tonto dike glow.( Jealous of that bitch's skin.. Lol I love u tonto) Day 4 of using honey on my face, firmer skin( almost like I had botox) my skin was smoother than it was 3 days ago. Day 5 honey where have you been all my life! Ooh lala. I happen to be lucky that I dnt really have serious acne issues. However when ever I'm in Nigeria, due to the hot weather. I sweat a lot, and this brings some annoyingly little pimples, on my face mainly my forehead. Before I used the honey on my face, I notice I was about to break out. And after using honey for only 5 days my skin is clearer, brighter and firmer. If some1 told me this trust me I wouldn't have believed. But I have tried it and trust me dolls. Honey is a girl's best secret weapon to having beautiful skin that glows like tonto dike's.

Forget bleaching your skin with all dem chemicals!!

What u will need to achieve a beautiful face that glows is

Pure honey only. Apply this to ur face focus mainly on areas of discoloration, and where you have more pimples, or areas where your skin is rough. Leave for as long as u like. Wash off with warm water. Moisturize with cucumber juice to leave ur face feeling fresh. 

P.s.... Hope this was helpful to those having acne issues or any other skin issues. For tips on how to tone and brighten your skin naturally feel free to contact me. I'm currently trying eggs out... Will give yall a review on that in some days time. Ciao.....

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