Thursday 7 February 2013

Cinema date

Hi folks, went cinema a week ago to see, breaking dawn 2, imagine i hadn't seen it until a week ago. I have been so busy and i did not have time to go to the cinema that was like 3 hours from my house. Luckily they brought one close to me. I miss my old house in England it was in front of the cinema, took me only 5 mins to get there. Anyways breaking dawn was aiit, i wish i saw the pirated version thou... i mean the only reason i go cinema asides from the fact that my life is boring and i love movies, is cause i hate pirated movies. But i would have preferred the pirated movie of breaking dawn..... lol. Jacob looked hot as always that was the only nice part of the movie. At least its good to finish what you started. Goodbye vampires and werewolves....

So this is what i wore to the cinema, hope you like it....

Top : Dorothy perkins, Pants: AWear 

Bag: My favourite designer in the world , Vivienne Westwood

Check out that ass.. lol

Bracelet= Ebay, Necklace= Bank

Publicite shoes 

Makeup : Foundation :  Mary Kay Bronze 2

Sunday 20 January 2013

Do it like a dude kinda

Hi lovies it's Sunday:) praise God the beginning of a new week. It's really howt now adays. It rained for the first time this year where I live. Lol sadly the rain made the heat worse . I just thought I should do a quick post. My driver takes most of my pictures, and he doesn't speak English, my Yoruba isn't too good as well. So directing him as to how to snap the pictures is usually a chanllenge. However hope y'all like it.