Tuesday 17 July 2012

heart felt

hi my lovies, its been ages......... how have you been? been in Lagos for almost two weeks now... boy do i miss Ilorin. Been reading a lot of poems  lately... and a wise poet once said 'you are not writing a poem unless, its coming from the hear't. Just started a few lines of my first poem let me know if you guys like it. Any comments will be appreciated. This is from my heart (which is a dark place thou)

The past is easy to forgive, but not to forget
every now and then, i find myself in a cloudy spell of flashbacks
the truth is still bitter even after sugar coated lines, i feed myself, to hold the tears back
the anger wells up in my stomach and just like a python that swallowed a buffalo, i am full
filled with rage and despair, with disappointment and disdain..... i cheated myself, i fell for Lucifer not once not twice and i guess that makes me a fool.

hope yall enjoyed it.. i know it short... just wanted to give you a fell on what i am working on

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